Measuring progress: The Integrated Support Framework (ISF)
One of the main takeaways from implementation in the first pilot countries was that, in order to build true ownership over the dialogue process, one cannot predetermine its outcomes from the outset. It turned out to be an impossible exercise for our partners to develop a guiding logical framework at the start of the dialogue process. However, a results and monitoring framework was still necessary to keep track of the dialogue process - by both the Dialogue Host and the donor supporting it. The Integrated Support Framework is a response to this need, as it provides an accurate snapshot of the dialogue process as well as its different results and outcomes.
Types of insight provided by the ISF
Building on the three tiers or orientations of the approach – policy, process and partnership – the ISF provides an overview of:
The issues of concern and the ways in which they are currently being addressed by the policies in place, which entails mapping the policy and regulatory landscapes, identifying the main points of contention and keeping track of the solutions that are being proposed along the process.
Therefore, the different columns of the ISF allow the Dialogue Host to follow the different phases of the process and the evolution of the stakeholders’ attitudes and positions, thereby pointing at commonalities, potential commitments or opportunities to broker agreements amongst the actors involved.
In other words, the ISF is not just a reporting tool that can provide donors with, but a crucial tool when it comes to identifying potential gridlocks and conflicting visions, as well as real windows of opportunity, thus helping donors and implementing agencies to design and coordinate programmes and assistance measures in a way that ensures their alignment with locally-led processes of reform.
Policies, laws & programmes
Points of contention & potential synergies
Partnership opportunities
Influence & exposure
Interests & incentives
Needs & capacity gaps
Policy indicators
Process indicators
Partnership indicators
Last updated